Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Should I Say in My First Contact?

The moment you find someone at who seems interesting, you are faced with a dilemma: What should you say to introduce yourself to a total stranger? It is never an easy decision, but you should give the matter careful thought before you send your first "hello."

Start by remembering the old adage: "Looks are not everything." Although there is no denying that physical attraction is important, it is a waste of your time and theirs to send notes to someone with whom you share no interests. So before you send your note, read the person`s profile thoroughly, and make special note of the things they have listed as important to them. Then, if it appears that you will have common ground, begin composing your note.

Pay attention to the things you have in common, since that is what people are normally looking for in a "serious" relationship. Letting them know that you share many of their passions will give you a much-improved chance to connect with that person.

When you are just saying "hello," keep your note brief. If you were meeting that person face-to-face, you would never consider telling them your entire life story, so do not do it in your initial note. It is a sure way to give a wrong impression.

Finally, a BIG no-no: NEVER make blatant sexual references in your first note! Of all the things women found most offensive, that was #1, and you certainly cannot blame them. So guys, making a woman feel as if you are seeing her as a mere object is a sure way to get no response.

It takes some time to craft your initial response to someone`s profile. If you do your homework, learn what makes that interesting person tick, and show basic respect, you will have a much better chance at finding the person you have been seeking.

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